Our Services

The Compliance Program Solution

If your organization receives federal healthcare funds and/or bills Medicare or Medicaid, having an EMS specific compliance program is critical.

Medicare is targeting emergency services across the country for improper claims and without a compliance program in place, you are at greater risk for massive fines and could be held personally responsible.

That’s why our team of nationally recognized industry experts developed the Compliance Program Solution; a comprehensive, web-based program designed specifically for Fire & EMS. Our solution delivers all the tools you need to implement a compliance program that understands the specific needs of the emergency services industry and meets all federal requirements.

At EMS Compliance, we know your time is limited and valuable; that’s why our policies and procedures are easy to access, implement and automatically updated in accordance with changing laws.

The Compliance Program Solution delivers two absolutely critical components of EMS compliance

1 In having our nationally recognized EMS compliance experts create your compliance program and compliance policies, our goal is to keep you in compliance so you never become a target of an investigation. We want to keep you from being that 1 in 5 ambulance agency who the feds say have questionable compliance practices. We will provide you with common sense and industry proven compliance strategies to help you avoid trouble in the first place.

2 IF you ever become the subject of a state or federal investigation, which sometimes happens despite best efforts, you can demonstrate to investigators that you’ve made a strong good faith effort towards compliance by retaining some of the nation’s top EMS compliance experts. Investigators understand that mistakes occasionally happen despite best efforts and having invested in a thorough compliance program is a significant factor in how investigators view you and assess penalties.

How It Works

Upon subscribing to the Compliance Program Solution from EMS Compliance you will gain instant access to your personal EMS Compliance web-based portal which includes:

  • Easily customizable policies and procedures required for a successful compliance program.
  • Training modules for your employees in a variety of formats including PDF, PowerPoint, video and online webinars.
  • Downloadable marketing materials to post for employees to meet the critical element of having a well-publicized compliance program.
  • A regularly updated “Resource Portal” of the most recent laws and regulations and relevant guidance on anything related to healthcare and EMS compliance.
  • Unlimited access to the “Compliance Officer Hotline” where our compliance experts are ready to answer compliance questions for your leadership. 
  • Unlimited access to the Confidential Compliance Hotline that allows your employees to leave anonymous concerns about compliance issues. We triage these calls to determine if true compliance issues exists. If so, we guide you through the necessary steps for an internal compliance investigation.
  • At least two free webinars per year designed specifically for your leadership and board members.


At EMS Compliance, we believe compliance should be attainable for all EMS agencies, and not just the ones large enough to justify the expense of a full-time compliance officer. That is why we offer the Compliance Program Solution for less than $300/month, a fee covered by the reimbursement from a single ambulance transport.

The EMS Compliance Difference

We know you have options when it comes to outsourcing your compliance needs. But unlike other providers, we won’t hand you a “one-size-fits-all” paper policy in a 3 ring binder. EMS Compliance is a dynamic, web-based solution, designed specifically for EMS agencies by industry experts and updated constantly to meet the needs of today’s ever-changing laws and the needs of our subscribers.


1 in 5 ambulance agencies have questionable billing practices according to the HHS OIG.

Are you at risk? Let’s talk. Get In Touch →